How to Remain Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays come with so much joy!  One of the traditions at my house is a holiday party with friends and family.  We eat together, sing and play games.  We all have such a great time I wonder why I don’t throw parties more often.  I know holiday parties cause concern when someone is trying to remain healthy.  I have a few tips for how to do so.

 1:  Keep drinking water.  Drink water during the day and in between alcoholic drinks.  This will keep you hydrated and not ruin your next day.

 2: Eat protein and veggies before you leave for the party.  This will put something in your stomach so you’re not starving and get tempted by all the sugar.

 3:  Continue your workouts!  It’s busy during the holidays, I understand.  Even if you need to shorten your time in the gym, something is better than nothing.

 4:  Get enough sleep.  Getting eight hours of sleep a night will keep you balanced and clear thinking.  Not getting enough sleep actually weakens your immune system and causes you to not think clearly.

 Remember to drink water, make good food choices throughout the day, continue working out and get enough sleep through the busy holiday season.  This will allow you to keep up with all the fun and festivities.  Also, treat yourself.  You don’t have to skip every goodie offered at the gatherings.  Have what you really want to have and don’t eat something you don’t really like.  It’s not worth it!


The Importance of Hydration